Spearheading innovation
China’s economy experienced a bumpy ride in 2023 and a real estate debt crisis exacerbated the challenges. Standard Chartered innovated with structured financings that tapped into different pools of liquidity, while bagging several sole mandates and bringing debut borrowers. For those reasons it is IFR Asia’s China Loan House of the Year.
As the US raised rates and China eased monetary policy, the interest rate differential between the US dollar and the renminbi widened, making foreign currency loans less appealing.
However, StanChart took advantage of the situation to assist borrowers in raising offshore renminbi loans with pricing based on the offshore CNH Hibor as well as the onshore loan prime rate.
“We recalibrated our approach and led the market in the development of CNH loans and pioneered offshore dual-currency structures which served to lower the blended financing costs for borrowers and made it attractive for them to access the offshore market,” said Amit Lakhwani, head of loan syndicate for Asia Pacific at StanChart. “Our origination efforts were focused on bringing to market transactions across a wide spectrum of high quality borrowers and industries, allowing us to maintain our deal activity levels and helping a number of debut issuers access the offshore market for the first time.”
StanChart led as sole mandated lead arranger and bookrunner an around US$300m-equivalent dual-currency loan closed in August for Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt. The borrowing became the first to carry three pricing options – SOFR for US dollars, and CNH Hibor and LPR for renminbi – effectively providing opportunities for different pools of lenders. The three-year loan also incorporated sustainability-linked features.
The deal set a template for the offshore renminbi loan market, where previous borrowings had mostly been completed as club or bilateral facilities due to a lack of consensus on pricing mechanisms.
Building on this success, StanChart completed another borrowing with a similar structure in November – a US$400m dual-currency SLL for CNGR Hong Kong Material Science & Technology.
The bank also took a bold call, providing a bridge facility to Grand Pharmaceutical Group and subsequently arranging a successful syndicated loan via a HK$1.3bn refinancing. The strategy helped the borrower navigate additional processes stemming from the National Development and Reform Commission’s new rules that became effective in February and address upcoming debt maturities.
During 2023, StanChart won nine sole mandates and also introduced five debut borrowers to the market, including Guangdong Brunp Recycling Technology, Tongda Group and New Development Bank. It also leveraged its global network to distribute Greater China credits to a range of banks and non-bank investors.
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